Sunday, 26 April 2009

STOP PRESS: £1000 Reached for BfD

Thank you to all my supporters who donated towards Bees for Development. £1000 was reached after four months (on 26th April) of fundraising with still three months to go.

I have had a cycling break in April. Any day this week, my new bike should arrive. Then at the weekend, I am going to try it out on a couple of 200km bike rides. Will let you know how it goes.

Thank you so much!


Anonymous said...

So very pleased so many people have allready suported you! you deserve it, because of your great dedication. Up to the 1400 now! Best of luck. Meim and Peip

Kris said...

'k Ben wreed curieus naar je nieuwe fiets, nu ga je gaaze kunnen geven hé !!
...en Griet zei: t'is voor ons minder lastig om onze portemonnee open te doen dan naar Schotland te fietsen nji!