Saturday 28 February 2009

The Kennet Valley Run - Done

This was a great ride with beautiful scenery. I had a bad patch halfway. I was feeling very sleepy. If I had been on my own, I would have stopped for a quick snooze. Instead, I drank Lucozade, slowed down for a bit and carried on. Not sure what the right strategy would be.

But other than that, I felt really good. For the first time after a 200, I felt I could have gone on. With my new dynamo light also, cycling in the dark is no longer so daunting. So this ride has given my a lot of confidence.

Saw a lot of familiar faces, from previous rides, and YACFers. Its nice to catch up, see what others have been up to, what their 2009 ambitions are, how they are getting on ...

The area around Welford was really nice. There is a privately owned Manor House with surrounding park, which is only open to the public when the snowdrops are out. May make a visit. The associated church looks impressive too, it appears that a round tower is unusual. Click on this link (and then 'Search for images') to see some images on Google.

Monday 23 February 2009

St Zozimus and St Sabatius - beekeeper patrons

St Ambrosius (c340), as an infant, had a swarm of bees leaving a drop of honey in his mouth, which lead to the unusual sweetness in his lyrics. St Ambrosius is the best known patron saint in the world of beekeeping.

But its St Zozimus and St Sabatius who are 'protectors of beekeepers'.

When they setup the monastery (1436) on the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea, they were left with a huge headache - where to get the candle wax from? St Zozimus walked to Egypt to collect a handful of bees with a queen. He carried them back in a 'skep walking stick'. This was the beginning of apiculture in the Ukraine.

Image from

Saturday 21 February 2009

Belgian Knee Warmers

For sale at Rapha. How bizarre.

Cozy Beehive

On the right hand side, underneath my picture, you can see a new feature: a list of blogs I tap into.

Of course, any Blogs I put on this list will be cycling or bee related. The first one added is both! Well, in name anyway: Cozy Beehive

Its a very professional cycling site, and very interesting. The author is a mechanical engineer, so expect some technical articles. Can't beat him on the play on bee words game!

If you have never heard of Jeannie Longo Ciprelli, then you must read this:Jeannie Longo

28th February - The Kennet Valley Run 200

This is the next ride in the training plan. Will be doing this together with the Faccombe Four as its part of our SR quest. SR is Super Randonneur. Its an Audax award where you cycle a 200, 300, 400 and 600km ride in one season. We've already done a 200, but need a couple more 'to get the miles in'.

It has also been dubbed 'The last of the easy rides' !!!

Route sheet has arrived 20th. Next phase in the ritual is to get the bike checked over.

Saturday 14 February 2009

Faccombe Haul Route - 100km

LEE, Mercury, Richard and I did the Faccombe Haul route on Sunday 15th. Its a hilly ride of 100km. The weather was looking favourable, but there was a lot of residual snow on the ridge, making cycling very difficult at times.

It is an absolutely georgeous route, like all hilly routes tend to be. But this time, I didn't enjoy it so much. I really, really struggled. It seemed I had no strength. Fortunately, Mercury and LEE were there to keep me going.

Saw a barn owl and heard lots of buzzards.

A theme of snow ...


I grew up with beekeeping. My dad is the best teacher of the wonders of bees and their products. He often has school classes coming to his apiary for an introduction. The story of the bee with five eyes is always a favourite.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Birthday at home.

Picture speaks for itself! My biggest LEL supporters!

Sunday 1 February 2009

SR - Super Randonneur

From the Audax website: "Audax UK's traditional award for the top 10% of hardened night-riders. Ride a series of 200, 300, 400 & 600km all in one season. Longer events can substitute for shorter - eg, 2x400 plus 2x600 is also counted as an SR series. AUK have a smart new presentation SR medal, based on a design by Jaques Dorleans."

The Faccombe Four and I, making up the Faccombe Five, thought it would be 'nice' to do an SR. It would be a great achievement to obtain an SR award and it's perfect training for LEL.

So I am focussing on the SR - if that works out, then I'll be in a good position to tackle LEL with confidence.