Saturday 28 February 2009

The Kennet Valley Run - Done

This was a great ride with beautiful scenery. I had a bad patch halfway. I was feeling very sleepy. If I had been on my own, I would have stopped for a quick snooze. Instead, I drank Lucozade, slowed down for a bit and carried on. Not sure what the right strategy would be.

But other than that, I felt really good. For the first time after a 200, I felt I could have gone on. With my new dynamo light also, cycling in the dark is no longer so daunting. So this ride has given my a lot of confidence.

Saw a lot of familiar faces, from previous rides, and YACFers. Its nice to catch up, see what others have been up to, what their 2009 ambitions are, how they are getting on ...

The area around Welford was really nice. There is a privately owned Manor House with surrounding park, which is only open to the public when the snowdrops are out. May make a visit. The associated church looks impressive too, it appears that a round tower is unusual. Click on this link (and then 'Search for images') to see some images on Google.


Anonymous said...

halo Bengske, just read your comment on the "kennett valley run". Very well done. We enjoyed looking at the photo's, what a wonderful countryside: really dear old England as I knew it when I came to Eng. with oma. Lots of love. Meim en Peip xxx xxx

Kris said...

Je eerste lente 200 km tocht en goed gedaan!Toch altijd regelmatig energie drank drinken hé, zeker als het warmer wordt en je meer verdampt.Proficiat en tot de volgende bike ride!Daaag!