Saturday 21 February 2009

28th February - The Kennet Valley Run 200

This is the next ride in the training plan. Will be doing this together with the Faccombe Four as its part of our SR quest. SR is Super Randonneur. Its an Audax award where you cycle a 200, 300, 400 and 600km ride in one season. We've already done a 200, but need a couple more 'to get the miles in'.

It has also been dubbed 'The last of the easy rides' !!!

Route sheet has arrived 20th. Next phase in the ritual is to get the bike checked over.


Anonymous said...

hope you will have another good ride. We wish you the best of luck.
Meim en Peip

Kris said...

I hope you will have good weather:no wind, sunny en dry!!
Nice views, the hills not too steep and good food for the engine!
bye bye