Here are a few that caught my eye with LEL in mind:
- positive thinking: they use a quote from Shakespeare "its the mind that makes the body rich". During a climb of 20km, its bad news that you still have 2km to do, but the good news is that you've already done 18km. They admit that pessimists will not find this funny.
- be careful, ride defensively, don't demand the road
- enjoy: have a break (not too long on LEL!), enjoy nature and
- treat yourself
- look at the time, not the miles/averages on your computer. Averages are invariably a demoraliser and has too many dependencies.
Was surprised to see a section on 'Shimmy' in there (LEE experienced 'Death Shimmy' on BCM). They suggest shimmy is due to a too light a frame in racers or too heavy barbag in tourers, together with too loose or too cramped holding of the handlebars. The trick is not to panic, relax, break gently and push your legs inwards to hold the crossbar between your knees/legs.
So pleased you enjoyed reading the book. Hope the tips will be useful for other cyclists.
The best of luck to LEL
Hoe fiets je een geslaagde LEL:
Advice from aunti Kris:
een goede fiets, een goede conditie,een goed moraal , een goede kennis van het parcour,tips van de grote Eddy...wat kan er nog misgaan:het weer: onthou: elk uur dat het niet regent is :dubbel genieten!Elk windje in de rug is: een geschenkje van de weergoden!
De rest is kracht en karakter en als het echt niet meer gaat komt er een engel langs of slaat de gekste humor toe:dus: always: keep smiling!!xxx
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